These landscape photographs were taken during a trip to Normandy earlier this year. We visited Arromanches (the site of the British Gold beach) Omaha Beach and Pointe du Hoc on the last day of our trip and the weather turned on us that day.
I took these photographs using my trusty Sony DSC T7 in colour mode. The shots came out as you would expect on a windy rainswept day - dull flat and lifeless. Using the magic of Photoshop CS3 I converted the images to black and white - using Image, Adjustments, Black & white. Not only does this give you tremendous control over the different colour channels but it also allows you to tint the image. I find that very subtle tinting (no more than 5%) of a yellowish shade does enhance the black and white image, which I think is the the case with these photographs. The blacks seem blacker and the tones more alive than an untinted photograph.
The above image is a photo of a woman and her child playing on Omaha Beach. I found it rather poignant that children now play where so many young men died more than 60 years ago.
A weather beaten, lonely tree overlooking Omaha breach.
This is a smashed German bunker on Pointe du Hoc. What struck me most when I first saw the Pointe (other than the enormity of the task facing the US Rangers) was the landscape that had been smashed by the Naval bombardment during the run up to the assault. That anyone could have scaled those sheer cliffs under direct German fire is truly remarkable but to have then taken a seemingly impregnable series of fortifications defies belief.
Finally this is a photograph looking along Omaha Beach.
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Normandy Landings
Saturday, 7 June 2008
These photographs represent some of my earliest attempts at macrophotography - the kit I used was my Nikon F3 with a macro lens and a set of Jessops extension tubes (why spend £300 on Nikon's own when the Jessops tubes were about £30?), my Manfrotto tripod, a Nikon sb 17 flash unit and cable release unit. When I started I read alot of articles about how to calculate flash strength etc., etc., to be honest, I shot everything at f22 with the flash set on auto and the shots seemed to come out fine using Fuji Provia 100 film.
Since these photos were taken I have stopped using film so much and have started using a Sony DSC T7 which has an excellent macro function. You can see some of my digital macro efforts by clicking here - whilst the results are not at all bad considering most of them use only natural light and are handheld, they do lack something that you can only get from a DSLR and so I am planning to purchase a Nikon D80 shortly. This will then get me firmly back into some serious macro work. I will publish new shots as and when I upload new galleries onto my website.
Friday, 30 May 2008
These photos are taken from a recent tip to Brighton on England's south coast. The photos are OK - I was hoping to shoot some super8 film with my new camera - but the batteries had run down - doh!! I thought there were still charged from a previous outing the week before and it's a shame because the light was nice and bright - ideal for the high contrast film. Anyway, I had to resort to normal digital photography and the results were not to bad - I'd love to go back in winter to shoot a stormy sea.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Landscape Photography
A photograph taken from the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia
An old photo I shot during a trip to Cornwall. I will be publishing more photos from that trip over the coming weeks. They were taken whilst I was learning to develop prints in the dark room - this one was developed in my spare bedroom originally. Years later I grew tired of spending my Sunday afternoons in a darkened room and invested in a PC and a scanner - so now my Sunday afternoons can be spent hunched over a computer!.
Thie above photo was taken during a holiday in Corsica traversing the infamous Haute Route de Corse. I had just invested in a second hand Mamiya C330 and decided to lug it and a tripod spare lens etc, over one of the hardest treks in Europe. Not one of my wiser ideas but this is one of my favourite shots. The view was spectacular and almost lunar.
An early landscape photograph of the famous dam at Derwent Water in the Derbyshire Peak District during a mountain biking trip.
I took this photo of autumn trees in fog in the Adams wood near the village of Fingest in Buckinghamshire. The photo is one of some old shots that I am posting on my website in galleries dedicated to landscape photography. I will post more shortly.
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Hever Castle
Below are some photos I took during a recent visit to Hever Castle. The weather was typical of an English spring day - it was pouring down with rain most of the day - and so the colour shots were flat and lifeless. Converted to black and white in photoshop and given the subtlest of tints, they look better but I am not sure this is my favourite gallery. Partly because of the weather I suppose. but also I wasn't there long enough to get some really good shots.
I do like to shot of the moat though - it looks like an old fashioned example of landscape photography.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Avebury & the Ridgeway
I have just published this gallery on my website so please take a look for more images.
The ridgeway is the oldest road in Northern Europe (about 5,000 years old) and passes through some spectacular scenery. It ends at Avebury - a pretty Wiltshire village surrounded by Europe's largest stone circle. Forget about Stonehenge which is now a tourist trap - Avebury is far more beautiful and mysterious and is well worht a visit.
I know the Ridgeway well as I grew up near it and spent many a day mountain biking along sections of it, and photographing it. The images shown below are some examples but I have many more that I will up load when I get the chance.
Friday, 2 May 2008

Friday, 25 April 2008
Hacienda Cortes (and other ramblings)
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Charles Binns, Landscape Photography